
The Zombie Finger Saga

Opening the VoxDolly shop, getting the website up and of course getting this blog underway have been quite exciting the past couple of weeks... but the "Zombie Finger" has made it a bit more difficult than I'd expected. On the 17th (a normal thursday at first) I somehow managed to injure my ring finger on the right hand. Okay, I basically asked for it... I got extremely frustrated over something and instead of keeping my cool I took it out on an annoying toy sitting on the bookcase. I went to swipe at it with my hand and somehow the one finger managed to smack into the case so hard that everything went white for a few seconds - literally blind with pain.

Photo Credit: http://zombieking.co.uk/

Fun. Fun.

So I put it on ice and cried about it for a bit... but figured it would be a simple bruise and tried to get over it.

That evening the finger turned purple - a deep, dark, gross shade of purple. As I looked closer I saw that it was also bent to the side about 1 cm... and it looked like a tiny zombie finger... hence the name. So I bitched about it a bit on FB and that was that.

As the days went on the little zombie went through various stages of weird colors... pale purplish grey, purpley-blue with tinges of green, then greenish-grey with yellow edges. That Monday, after 4 days of weirdness and pain, it still hurt quite a bit and I'd had enough, so my hubby took me to an urgent care center to have an x-ray. They immediately told me the finger was only sprained and made it seem like no biggie. YAY! So I went on my merry way thinking this little zombie finger would be back to normal soon enough... just needing some rest and occasional ice.

But no... it was not to be so simple afterall.

I found out yesterday (Friday) that the x-ray was misread. Yes... MISREAD! I've been walking around for over a week now with a FRACTURED FINGER! I went through the various stages... denial, confusion, ANGER. I can't believe they read my x-ray wrong... and why was the x-ray re-read... by who?

So now I have a splint and must make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist this week. Lovely. My little zombie finger is still bent, still in pain and still just a little discolored (sporting a pale brownish color today.)

Meanwhile, working on the computer is harder... trying to create more items for the shop is MUCH harder... and packing the items that I've sold so far (plus one from my other shop - CreativeTaylor) has been challenging. NOT the first week of VoxDolly that I'd hoped for, but I'm looking at the bright side. I've made some sales!

A broken finger isn't the worst thing in the world... I do realize that. And I'm feeling very lucky to have already sold items from my shop... and lucky that I have help from my hubby, especially this week when I've needed his help the most.

And so - we shall see what happens next with zombie finger... and if nothing else, it's taught me to take out my frustration in less destructive ways... like punching a pillow instead of a wooden bookcase. Lesson learned.

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